Mavi Gioia Vol. 2 Featured

  • File Format: wmv
  • Play Time: 30 min
  • File Size: 0.7 Gb (HD) / 2.2 Gb (Full HD)
  • Download: yes
  • Price: USD 29.99



If there is one word that describes Mavi Gioia, it is 'sexy'. In this video she flexes and poses in a pink bikini on a hotel balcony. We get to see all sorts of different flexes. Like in most videos, Mavi begins with some simple bicep flexing, which is always good, and then moves on to the hallowed of poses: the most muscular. There is some lower body posing scattered throughout, but it's mostly biceps here. Personally, I like that it's largely focused on her upper body. She's very beautiful and she also has some exceptional breasts. She isn't ripped, but she's definitely quite hard. She is the perfect mix of muscularity and femininity. I love her smile! Not a whole lot more to say, except that if you enjoy the fitness/figure type of woman and bicep flexing this is the video for you.

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